- Analog
- Continuous steps, where gaps are infinitely divisible, such as real numbers.
- Android
- Autonomous human-like device.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine possessing the ability to perform actions implying intelligence.
- Automata
- Self-operating machines.
- Biological immortality
- Perpetuating genes through continuity instead of replication.
- Circular reasoning
- See Circular reasoning.
- Consciousness
- See Continuity of.
- Continuity of Consciousness
- See Self.
- Cryonics
- Extending life by freezing those dying from disease until a cure is found.
- Digital
- Discreet steps, such as the gaps between whole numbers.
- Digital Immortality
- The selfplex perpetuated in a digital medium. (LF)
- Information Valet
- Helps users cope with information by a) knowing what is available, b) assisting you with access, and c) keeping track of your information interests and acquisitions. (LF)
- Meme
- 1. An element of culture that may be considered to be passed on by a non-genetic means, esp. imitation. (OED) 2. Replicator for transmitting a unit of culture. (LF)
- Memeplex
- A system of memes united for mutual advantage. (SB)
- Perpetuators
- Humans extending life spans through biological immortality. (LF)
- Robot
- Device performing tasks planned by humans.
- One-way immortality
- Preserving and transmitting your ideas, i.e., communicating to the future. (GB)
- Self
- See Consciousness.
- Selfplex
- A memeplex functioning within a human. (SB)
- Soul
- Religious term expressing belief in an eternal self.
- Soul Bank
- Selfplexes digitally stored waiting for instantiation either as interactive entities of the online community (digital immortality), or as physical entities of the offline community (robots). (LF)
- Two-way immortality
- Allows the digital "you" (whole or part) to communicate with the future in the sense that artifact continues to learn and evolve, i.e., endless experience and learning. (GB)
- Turing test
- An attempt to determine indirectly whether a conversationalist is human or machine.
GB: Bell, Gordon and Gray, Jim. Digital Immortality March 2001, Communications of the ACM.
LF: Lee Frank
OED: Oxford English Dictionary
SB: Blackmore, Susan. The Meme Machine, Oxford University Press, 1999.