The Practical Every day the Internet increases CAPACITY, e.g., Google. Many editors for students are also using our materials from to improve their texts. CAPABILITY is more difficult and less obvious. I'll address four questions. 1. Is Superior Intelligence a Myth? 1. Is Superior Intelligence a Myth? This was my first idea for this paper. Let me ask what I think is a stupid question: Who is the smartest person in this room? Let's put it another way: is there any way to determine who is the smartest person in this room? Here's another interesting answer to the question: Okay, let's examine smart. Anyone here think our current President is smarter than this President? Maybe not, but we know Jefferson failed as a businessman, and Bush did succeed in business without really trying, as the saying goes. 2. Will we have Intelligent Machines & Superbrains? The efforts to create Intelligent Machines invariably leads to a discussion of Superbrains. Hugo de Garis is the self-proclaimed planet's pioneering brain builder. He invented the term artilect to refer to massively intelligent machines. 3. Is it Smart to Want Intelligent Machines? Intelligent Machines are all based on Strong Artificial Intelligence. I suggest there are SIX major flaws of Strong AI.
The details are in this supplement. For now, I'd like to address an even more important flaw. There is hardware and software, but you cannot use a computer without it being part of a larger SYSTEM that includes maintenance, operations, and usage plus the supervision of all these. In complex systems there are lots of things that can go wrong, and there are no computer systems that are not complex. In complex systems errors generated by small faults often turn out to be large, if not terminal. Think O-rings. In the creation of complex systems, we must remember these two words: Risk Assessment. We cannot forget Peter Drucker's admonition that there are some risks we cannot afford to take. 4. What's Wrong with Practical Machine Intelligence? Nothing. Except that it's much harder than HARDWARE OPTIMISTS like Ray Kurzweil believe. Creating machine intelligence at any level is not about the INEVITABILITY OF MORE POWERFUL CHIPS but rather the difficult work of intelligent software design. By people. Hardware optimism is countered by software optimism. Software, as Jaron Lanier said, doesn't follow Moore's Law. Relocation If you're looking for practical aspects of mind uploading, you need look no further than an hundred miles north of here in Scottsdale. There you'll find the Alcor Life Extension Foundation, the world's leader in Cryonics. While their main interest is freezing you, others are promoting mind uploading as a practical medical procedure necessary for the unfreezing process. In other words: unfreeze the body, download the mind. Longevity Whatever the interest in increasing the Longevity of the mind, there is one perpetual obstacle to permanency of data: Media Obsolescence. At no effort or noticeable cost to us. |
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